================================ Directives ================================ .. danger:: This is a danger admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. error:: This is a error admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. warning:: This is a warning admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. caution:: This is a caution admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. attention:: This is a attention admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. important:: This is a important admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. seealso:: This is a important admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. note:: This is a note admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. - The note contains all indented body elements following. - It includes this bullet list. .. hint:: This is a hint admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. tip:: This is a tip admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. hoge .. rubric:: Title rubric means 脚注 .. centered:: LICENCE AGREEMENT